Kentucky Frontier Gas
PO Box 408
Prestonsburg, KY 41653-0408
Kentucky Frontier Gas
2963 Ky Route 321 North
Prestonsburg, KY 41653
• Shipments
• Payment Drop Box
Kentucky Frontier Gas
173 Highway 15 North
Jackson, KY 41653
• Payment Drop Box
606.886.2431 (24/7)
866.942.9427 (24/7)

Budget Billings
Our budget billing option gives you the peace of mind knowing that your bill will be the same each month.
When you sign up for budget billing, KFG will estimate your bills for the next 12 months and charge you 1/12th of that amount each month for the next 11 months. The final month will be reconciled for any charges that were over- or under-paid. In order to qualify for budget billing, the following rules apply:
- only residential accounts are eligible
- you may only sign up for budget billing in April or May
- your account must be paid up to date if you’d like to initiate budget billing
- you must sign up for credit card or automatic bank draft payment
To sign up for budget billing, please call Frontier at 606-886-2431
For any metering, billing, payment, or balance questions, Contact Us.
Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The State of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services has a Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to provide help with energy costs. Please be advised that Frontier cannot sign you up for LIHEAP, however, you may contact them directly for assistance: visit CHFS LIHEAP for more information, or call 502.564.3440